Jean's Art Dolls

Photobucket This is the blog that Jean's Art Dolls is using to communicate to the artist's that can't get into the official website. We have a flaw in the software and I have to officially approve you before you can get into the forum. Please e-mail me if you can't access the Website. Jads is filled with so much information that I really want to share it with you. My e-mail address is: Please be patient and I will approve you. I appreciate it very much. Artfully, Jean/ Owner of JEAN'S ART DOLLS. Welcome to Jean's Art Dolls Blog: Come on in have a beverage and some freshly baked cookies; Put you feet up on the coffee table and lets share techniques, experiences and our day to day adventures. I have been accepted to design for "Stamp Insanity" I am so pleased to be a "Groovy Gurl". I am so happy I am doing my favorite "happy dance" join me...PLease stop in daily and see just what I am doing. I have a motto: ...dare to be different! I practice it everyday..but, also stay in my comfort zone until I have grown my wings a little wider and I am flying high in the sky. Enjoy and have fun. artdoll, jean ******************************************************* ******************************************************* Greetings! I am so glad you found me. My name is jean and I was born with a crayon in my hand. I can't tell you how many times I was reminded not to draw on the walls in my room and the hallway in the house. I will admit that I even drew on the bathroom wall at school. I was always drawing and coloring, While the other children were playing with Barbie dolls and dressing them. I was drawing my dolls and cutting them out, then I would design clothes for them I was only happy when I was designing and playing with my dolls. As I matured I started filling notebooks with sketches. If I was inspired by something, I would sit and write down colors that I liked and return to draw an outfit. Every doll was different and named. I also gave the doll a birthday. This was on the day the doll was designed. I had a cardboard box and each doll was wrapped in tissue paper. These dolls were my life. I never allowed the other children to touch them. or play with them. I find happiness and a sense of well being when I create my art. My hobbies also include fiber art, collage, victorian art, altered dooks, art journals, rubber stamping and scrapbooking. macrame, domino jewerly, crochet, stone rubbings,and much more. These are just a few of the many things I do. If it has been done...I have done it. I have plans to write a book about my paper art dolls. I will complete the book in the future. I love meeting other artists who make paper art dolls. I love to be different. And have a motto I repeat often ... "dare to be different!" Never think you have to follow in someone elses foot steps. Never hide your art because you do not think it is good enough. Show it off. Art is made to hang on the wall and to be showed off. *I can't wait to get my art out of the box and show my pride and joys off. I express just who I am through my art work. I design differently every day. And my moods reflect this. It is like magic to me and I never have artist block. Sometimes I will have 5 projects started and will finish each one. I have never started a piece of art and tossed it in a pile. My art means too much to me. Hope you enjoyed your visit. And ...dare to be different...very different! ******************************************************* ******************************************************* ******************************************************* I have been rubber stamping for 25 years and have learned alot and have mingled into everything related to stamping. Though a rubber stamp ink blot is usually made using an ink pad and rubber stamps, you can have many styles when you stamp. Maybe you like flowers or birds or just use word stamps to make a card or a tag. I have ventured into this unexplored area and find it is my muse. Rubber Stamp Ink Blotting allows you to step out of the “box” and explore your natural creativity like we once had as a child learning to hold a crayon. It is an easy process if you want to take the time and learn. I taught myself by experimenting with “shapes”. I wanted “movement” in my art and I am still trying to find this in inkings. Not one of my ink blots are the same. I do not start by planning what I want to design, they just flow freely onto the paper by positioning images onto paper using different angles —no rules are needed. Just like making an abstract painting, it cannot be easily explained or taught. I am a self taught mixed media artist. I like designing zines, ATCs, art journals, cards, mingle in vintage, grunge, pop art, abstract and artsy styles. I am considered a mood artist. I have found a safe haven in art that no one else can disturb. It is a creative outlet that allows me to be myself through this filterless process. No restraints present; the fluid just flows in the neon liquid pool that produces waves of natural vibrations. And I usually don’t title my work not to take the mystery out of it. How do I design? With an open mind and an imagination! And if the art doesn’t have wings… I just add them! Artfully, Jean.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Design Team Challenge:"STAMP INSANITY" Use Metal On A Card

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Application For Jean's Art Dolls Design Team

Welcome to Jean's Art Dolls. I am looking for Designer's any style...Just fill out

the application and send it to:

Using Design team Round-Up In The Header

e-mail address:

I will look at your application ASAP and get in touch with you. Thanks, Jean

Jean's At Dolls Design Team Application: revised June 15, 2010

Position for: Jean's Art Dolls Designer.

Here is an application for Jean's Art Dolls:

1. Name:

* Please Note: jads uses real names.

2. Username:

3. E-mail address: Telephone #:

4. Your Mailing Address: So I can send product samples from sponsor's as I

receive them.

5. Describe your style:

6. Are you a Rubber Stamper?

a.Are you a card maker or a scrapbooker?

b. Mixed media Artist

c. Other

d. List Design teams you are currently on and past Dt's.

7. Can you remain on the team for a term of 3 months?

8. Do you know anyone on Jads D.T.?

*If you need to resign from the team prior to the term ending can are to notify

me? If you wish to remain on the Design Team after the term.

ends, You are welcomed to do so.

8. Are you on any design teams at the current time? Add website.

9. Do you have a blog? Can you add Jean's Art Dolls Blinkie on your site?

10. Can you follow the Jean's Art Dolls job description?

12. When you are unable to be active on the board can you just notify me?

13. Explain why you want to be on the Jean's Art Dolls Design Team. ( At least a


Why do you want to be on Jean's Art Dolls design team?

Please Read:( BELOW)

Add the below to Jads Blog:

***I need 4 scrapbook pages added to the gallery if you are a scrapbooker.

If you are a card maker please add 4 cards. If you do both you can add

2 scrapbook pages and 2 cards. If you have tags these will be accepted

also. If you design altered trading cards I will accept these little works of art.

So, select 4 of the mentioned. (paper) art is easier for me to get an idea relating

to your style.

If you are a rubber stamper show your stamper art work.

Mixed media post your art.

Digital...Four Examples.

***A picture of yourself uploaded. (very important) so we can put a face on your art.

** 4 samples: 2 cards,2 scrapbook pages or 3 scrapbook pages and 1 card. etc.

We do not use USER NAMES. Your first name is utilized.

***ATTENTION: send this completed form to:
add Design Team Position in header.

revised: 4-24-2011
Artfully, Jean



May 6-Favorite Color/Quote (1)

May 13- Add a favorite hand made flower to tour Card/Tag (2)

May 20- Use a word from your birth sigh. (3)

May 27- Use your own handwriting for your quote. (4)

All your Listed DT listed challenges are added to yur personal gallery at Jads. Use the Challenge in your header before uploading.

Challenge: Use your digital stamp and design a card. This is placed in the digital stamp sponsor gallery at Jads. Use the Digital Stamp Co. In the header and the name of the digital stamp.

This last challenge can be done between challenges or added before: May 23, So we

can enjoy your cards.

Have Fun and ...dare to be different! Jean


The design team will have 4 challenges. I will have the challenges for JUNE posted

on the calendar. I will try my best to have challenges that you don't have to go

out and buy supplies for. The requirement is to post your challenge with the name

and the number in the header of your post. Example: Using your (Favorite color/quote1)
Design a card with your favorite quote.

This will be your first assignment. And will be added to the cal. for the second

week of JUNE.


Hi, My name is Jean and I am the owner of Jean's Art Dolls. I am looking for designer's who ...dare to be different and like to share their art with other designers. Jads is a rubber stamping, scrappin' and mixed media group and has been online for 8 years. The D.T. call starts 4-24 and will end when I have received the
number of designers to fill the position's.

You don't have to have experience and you can be a scrapper, rubber stamper or a mixed media artist. I will have an application posted on Jads Blog; Please copy the application and send to add "DESIGN TEAM" ROUNDUP in the header.

We have sponsors from digital stamping companies and you will receive a digital stamp to design with.

Jads has an online community also but at this time we are having problems with registration so the blog will be the first stop. Please take a peek and see if you like what we are doing. At the community we have a gallery filled with Art.

So, I hope you come to the blog and pick up the application. It will be on the blog by noontime.

P.S. Design Team Responsibilies will also be posted.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Victorian Ghost

 I thought that people may enjoy this one..
Yep, that is me last Halloween. I am starting to work on this years costume-I think I may use this again for one of the parties. It was such a success!


"Peace" which has been a challenge for me lately! Anyway, I enjoyed creating this LO! Every so often, I get the urge to create a artsy LO! I love doing the artsy LO's best!
There are so many recycled items in this LO! Once again, I reused some images from a 2007 daily planner I had-the images were so wonderful, I could not throw them out. The images are by one of my favorite artist-Manley. There is scripture throughout this layout-I copied the entire forth chapter of Philippians. There is scripture framing the window area near the woman's face.


I used scraps and when I say scraps, I went and dug for the pieces of paper and embellies that really should have been discarded. We all have them, the ones that have fallen between papers and stuck in the corners of the drawers.
Last Friday, my dh had oral surgery, he had to have four wisdom teeth and three cysts removed from his mouth. This is a picture of him with an ice pack. He is not able to eat anything but soft food for 10 days. I course, I had to include some of the items-mac and cheese box piece, used oatmeal container and the black teas bag packets. I also included the old gauze packages. The white fluffy stuff at the bottom and behind the big flourish is gauze.
In this picture is our Dobbie, she is the one you can always count on when your sick! She will stick to you and sleep with you until you are back on your feet. She will sniff at you to make sure you are "ok". She is the best nurse! The Dobbie-Babygirl is so very Loyal.

The quote reads:
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy to such devotion."

There is tons of machine stitching as well as handstitching. Each piece of paper was either hand or machine stitched directly to the paper.
Combination Skin

There are many techniques in this LO. Not a pretty LO but honestly, I have not been feeling too pretty and fuzzy lately-and that is what this LO is about. I really wish all the writing and stamping in the dark area were visible- it really adds to the LO. Well anyway, ugly or not here,is the real me lately. There is journaling written in a pull out pocket hidden between the page layers.
The journaling reads:
Today, this layout is just about me! It is about how I have been feeling lately-that is grumpy and cranky-then feel really horrible about feeling that way. It is hard not to let the feelings take over me and everyone else- so here is my way of defusing. The writing is not going to be structured nor is going to make sense to many who read this. Lately, I have been thinking about a theory that I studied while in college-not sure if it is even something many people know about- Dabrowski's “Theory of Positive Disintegration”. Yesterday, I wanted to refresh myself to see if the theory was how I remembered. So, I starting Goggling “Disintegration” well two things popped up on the web search-the theory and this painting/illustration- I long forgotten- titled “Disintegration” by one of my favorite artist. So, I lifted the idea and of course, I changed the artwork to fit me-trying to keep as close to the original spirit as possible. This artist inspires a lot of my scrapbook pages an artwork! I must start with my simple understanding of the word "disintegration" has two meanings that are closely related. The first is "decay or destruction."-which I have been feeling a lot lately. When something decays it dissolves into elements that are qualitatively different from the whole, parts can no longer function individually. Well, again this is me: I feel that the nice and easy going side of me and the new grumpy side of me are no longer letting me function as my old self the “whole” The second meaning is "a separation into component parts, a breaking up." I am breaking up-or feel like it sometimes-then I function in smaller units or sometimes many units, which allow or force me to function as two discrete entities-the grumpy me and nice me. There are pieces of me here and there doing a thousand things. Then I think about the theory-I was referring to “Dabrowski's “Theory of Positive Disintegration” Which is the theory of human personality development where our guiding role is emotions.-which seems to be my leader these days. Recently, I feel my emotional development is loosening and dismantling-destroying my character. I wonder- am I am going through pre-menopause-no much to young for that-maybe I am going “insane”-no too old for that. Maybe it is just transcendence-yeah, it could be that. Maybe my work is overwhelming-maybe-it is stressful but I have been doing this line of work too long to let it get to me now! Whatever it is, I just pray that I get my understanding and wisdom-I know it must be a test of faith from above…God's time and our time is different. He only knows what is best for me…so meanwhile I will keep pushing through….

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Giving Thanks

My grandmother and Great Aunt
 The journaling is prayer giving thanks it reads and follows:

O Great One,
We come before you in a humble manner,
offering what gifts we have,
Giving Thanks for the gift of life that we have been given
Amidst the beauty of this Great Creation,
So that we may learn to walk the path of Good Medicine as we give thanks to each of the Four Directions:
To the spirit of Fire/Sun in the East,
To the spirit of Earth in the South,
To the spirit of Water in the West
To the spirit of Wind in the North.
We give thanks to Mother Earth and to the Sacred Fire,
Which burns brightly in our hearts,
Offering us precious gifts
Of clarity, openness, strength and wisdom
As we walk the path of peace.
We give thanks to all our relations
And for the beauty of all things,
For those who have come before,
And those yet to come.
In harmony and balance,
We give Thanks,
O Great One,
We give thanks.
Wah do.

Let Love Be Your Teacher

This is a layout that I have been working on for what seem like a very long time. This LO was one that I started painting the background then stopped-starting several new projects. Well, today I decided it was time to finish. I will start with explaining the technique. I used Mod Podge to create the background then used a stick to dig into the Mod Podge leaving an impression. I then inked, painted, masked and dry brushed the background. I next added some torn paper (red). Added the pictures and then started rubberstamping like crazy. Next I started masking the hands. Then added the stickers, rub on, and transparencies then title. The journaling is on my husband's shirt and well as in the right hand bottom corner. The journaling reads: I am married to a great husband; you know the type, funny, solid-rock-steady with warm eyes, and the sweetness in his kiss you long for when he is gone. I am still amazed after 11 years, how he still takes my breath away when I see him across a crowded room, at the ache in my stomach when I hear his voice on the telephone, when he is miles away. In addition the definition of love is included in the journaling.
Techniques: painting, masking, paper tearing, stamping, inking, chalking, layering, journaling, rub ons, stickers, distressing, punching, doodling and paper rolling.

Everlasting Passages

This challenge inspired me to work on my altered book again. This page theme is of Katherine of Aragon, Henry VIII's first wife from Spain. There is so much mixed media work in this piece. I really tryed to create a Renaissance color-the dark and warm light. Many layers of inking, alcohol inks and rolled paint with a brayer.

The Betrayed Wife

This challenge inspired me to work on my altered book again. This page theme is of Katherine of Aragon, Henry VIII's first wife from Spain. There is so much mixed media work in this piece. I really tryed to create a Renaissance color-the dark and warm light. Many layers of inking, alcohol inks and rolled paint with a brayer.


This is a photo of my friend's son. This is a old techinque I used many year's ago. I am getting burned out of doing just plain paper layouts and need to try something creative and different. This is glue burning technique and candle wax. I started with a sheet of tissue paper. Applied tacky glue to the tissue paper and smeared over the surface. I next placed the glue over a candle over close and let the glue burn and bubble. I started with a board and masked off top 1/4 of the board with tape. I next started painting the surface with wax. Once the wax dried, I painted the surface with alcohol inks. When fused, I quickly passed a heat gun accross the surface. This creates a separation of ink and wax. I love the look of this, I wish you could see the separation better in the photo. I next keep building layers as described above, until I am satified with the wax and ink layers. I next removed the masking tape and added the burnt glue paper to the 1/4 top area. Added a layer of wax over the burnt glue paper. I next added the tranfer rub ons, stamped quote and the metal dragon fly. I then inked the edges and hightlighted areas with alcohol ink. Love doing this technique and will use it again.

Dark Lady

I used the burnt candle, burnt glue and alcohol Ink technique again.
I used some of my old supplies and items I created sometime ago.
I scratched the bird in the right hand corner from black acrylic paint.
I used the lyrics from one of my favorite "Cher" songs title "Dark Lady"
The block journaling reads:
"Dark Lady laughed and danced and lit the candles one by one
Danced to her gypsy music till her brew was done
Dark Lady played black magic till the clock struck on the twelve
She told me more about me than I knew myself

They Still Wander

This one is digital

Hybrid Mixed Media
This layout took so long due to all the painting and layering. Yes, this is paper. Once I scanned the layout, everything seemed to blend together, unlike when I photograph a layout. This is a hybrid of computer, paper and mixed media. I started with a digi background a really reworked the background by painting, masking and dry brushing. I used the Cricut to cut the branches and doorway, I then masked the doorway and branches with ink using the negative cutout from the Cricut. I hand cut the photos and blended them using paint and ink. Embossed the edges and acrylic frame and then used the computer to make the title at the bottom. I love creating mixed media pieces.. I had fun with this LO and challenge. Here is the background information for the theme of this LO.

Native American Legends
Coyote and the origin of Death

In the beginning of this world, there was no such thing as death. Everybody continued to live until there were so many people that the Earth had no room for any more.

The chiefs held a council to determine what to do. One man rose and said he thought it would be a good plan to have the people die and be gone for a little while, and then return.

As soon as he sat down, Coyote jumped up and said he thought people ought to die forever. He pointed out that this little world is not large enough to hold all of the people, and that if the people who died came back to life, there would not be food enough for all.

All the other men objected. They said that they did not want their friends and relatives to die and be gone forever, for then they would grieve and worry and there would be no happiness in the world.

Everyone except Coyote decided to have people die and be gone for a little while, and then come back to life again. The medicine men built a large grass house facing the East. When they had completed it, they called the men of the tribe together and told them that people who died would be restored to life in the medicine house. The chief medicine man explained that they would sing a song calling the spirit of the dead to the grass house. When the spirit came, they would restore it to life.

All the people were glad, because they were anxious for the dead to come and live with them again. When the first man died, the medicine men assembled in the grass house and sang.

In about ten days a whirlwind blew from the West and circled about the grass house. Coyote saw it, and as the whirlwind was about to enter the house, he closed the door. The spirit of the whirlwind, finding the door closed, whirled on by.

In this way Coyote made death eternal, and from that time on, people grieved over their dead and were unhappy.

Now whenever anyone meets a whirlwind or hears the wind whistle, he says: "Someone is wandering about." Ever since Coyote closed the door, the spirits of the dead have wandered over the Earth trying to find some place to go, until at last they discovered the road to the spirit land.

Coyote ran away and never came back, for when he saw what he had done, he was afraid. Ever after that, he has run from one place to another, always looking back first over one shoulder and then over the other to see if anyone is pursuing him. And ever since then he has been starving, for no one will give him anything to eat.

Fight Like a Girl

For those of you that have not seen any of my previous LOs about Violet. Violet was diagnosed with brain cancer last November and still is battling the monster. The title comes from a saying we have, “Fight Like a Girl”. We all had T-shirts made with this phrase. I scanned my “Fight like a Girl” t-Shirt and made a rub with the pink title. Last week, I heard this song, I had never heard the song, “Fight Like Girl” by Bomshel. So, I had to include the lyrics in the background. I started with a white piece of paper. I masked, overlapped with paint, stamped, rubbed and used the printer to print the lyrics in the back ground. I distressed the photo and outlined Violet's image with white paint. Added a couple rub-ons and ended up with something I liked-for once!
Here are the Lyrics:

Fight Like A Girl Lyrics
Little girl alone on the playground
Tired of gettin' teased and gettin' pushed around
Wishin' she was invisible
To them

She ran home cryin'
"Why do they hate me?"
And Mama wiped the tears and said
"Baby, you're brave and you're beautiful.
So, hold your head high.
Don't ever let 'em define
The light in your eyes.
Love yourself, give them Hell.
You can take on this world.
You just stand and be strong
And then fight
Like a girl."

At 31 she was wheelin' and dealin'
Kept on hittin' that same glass ceilin'
She was never gonna one of the boys, no
She coulda gave up on her ambition
And spent the rest of her life just wishin'
Instead she listened to her mama's voice sayin'

"Hold your head high.
Don't ever let 'em define
The light in your eyes.
Love yourself, give them Hell.
You can take on this world.
You just stand and be strong
And then fight
Like a girl."

Oh, with style and grace
Kick ass and take names

Ten years of climbin' that ladder
Oh, but money and power don't matter
When the doctor said "the cancer spread"
She holds on tight to her husband and babies
And says "this is just another test God gave me.
And I know just how to handle this"

I'll hold my head high
I'll never let this define
The light in my eyes
Love myself, give it Hell
I'll take on this world
If I stand and be strong
No, I'll never give up
I will conquer with love
And I'll fight like
Like a girl



Here is a little something to have fun is large so you can make a wall hanging...Print out the dress...trace on a piece of cardboard, (chipboard) cardstock
or use a piece of felt so you can sew or even canvas.

I want to see your unique will shine through. You can use paper, stamps, cloth, ribbons and buttons...ETC.

Have FUN! Artfully, Jean


Zetti: One thing that seems forever is zetti swirls and black and white stripes. Today is the day to pick a "play date". How about today it is raining and 39 degrees. "rather chilly I must say. The word for your journal today is ANGEL. (go with the word itself) Then the written word. Draw a square and place a word inside it. Or the letters a.b.c. It's a start now you'll perk up. Tear up pieces of newspaper...long strips, chunks, trianges, circles...Now, no pefect shapes allowed. (wrinked,folded) Get It!!! Ok, Now WRITE A WORD:
ANGEL now put an angel over the word. Now write "WINGS" and place winges over the your are steaming! "SUPER"

Remember Nursery Rhymes? Do you have a favorite? I do.
There was a crooked man and he walked a crooked mile. he found a crooked sixpence u[on a crooked stile.
he bought a crooked cat. Which caught a crooked mouse. And they all lived together in a crooked little house.
WORDS: soul, wish,discover, wings,wish,spirit,cherish,skulls,angel.altered,gorey,details,

Now find some crayons and draw some circles...tear typed paper and apply in the CIRCLES; Now draw some vertical lines...add three circles add a "V" shape for the shirt and a vertical lines...2 dots for eyes...Below the circle trees.

INCHES!!!! Make some add words....tear up and place on your journal page. Make the tears look real TORN! END! or Just the beginning!!!

What do I like: museums, art galleries, churches, prehistoric sites...skulls, skeletons,black crows, alice, shapes, anything dark grey and slightly darker and the wierder side of things...TWISTED!

Ok, today when you are walking from a room in your house think...walk got it! When you think of the moon...hang something from it! There you go!

SONG: Poetry in Motion...I like movement in my art...How do you get it? Swirls...waves....etc...

This news letter was written by, jean...aka...artdoll. And guess what? I dare to be different every day! And I am good at it! But it was always a part of my personality...Think about each and everything and never leave a blank space in your mind...keep the curves moving.

Artfully, Jean

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Angelika/ Stamp Insanity

Challenge: Use Bling On A CARD!

Challenge Blog Layout by, Charlotte

Stamp Insanity Card designed by, Jean

Stamp Insanity Card:

Challenge: Design a card "Retro Style"

Example of the posted challenge by Anna

Meet A.J.

Jean's Art Dolls Artist: A.J.

Jads Design team Blog April 17-23 (challenge)

Your challenge, should you feel brave enough to accept it, this week ladies, is to create your own embellishemts....

Sounds easy enough ?

However... there is a catch !

No craft cardstock or DP allowed *insert evil grin*

I want to open peoples eyes to the artistic possabilities offered by a bit of household recycling.

I will be posting pics of the items I create all during this week to give you some inspiration & encouraging you to have a go.



Challenge by Anna:

Welcome ladies!
Time for another challenge here at Jean's Art Dolls.
I'm Anna and I'm your hostess this week!
I'm new to the Jean's Art Dolls Design Team and this is my first time hosting a challenge here...
...are you ready?

For this challenge make a layout / card / ATC / altered item using :

stiching ( fake or real)

I can't wait to see what you create! I hope you have fun!
Join us for this week's challenge!


My card:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Question regarding this BLOG

If you have any questions regarding this blog please contact Jean/ owner


Add jads Blog/Challenges in the subject line.

artfully, Jean

The Sponsor For April Is: Digi Doodle Store

This month (April) we are sponsered by the awesome team over at The Digi Doodle Store

Who are generously sponsering the winning entry with a $10 gift cert for the digi

doodle store.

Challenge For The Week: Posted by Aj.

This weeks challenge, we want you to use the word "Dream" somewhere on your project.

Some DT team inspiration for you


Card by Sandi

This card was designed by Jean's Art Doll: Sandi

Jads Mission Statement

JADS Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement is as follows: We have gathered here to invite and encourage fellow crafters in sharing and developing their card artistry talents. We want to celebrate the continued growth, discovery and skill of mastering new products and techniques as we strive to reach our full potential. - Our goal is to inspire the creativity of all who desire it. We do not discriminate against anyone, any style, nor the media they choose to create with. We will agree to embrace and control our own destination while appreciating each other's unique qualities, talents and achievements as well as respecting any differences in viewpoints. - We have an open arms participation policy and support all that want to create and celebrate with us. Our space is to share, admire and take pride in showcasing each other's talents. - We are only limited by our own imaginations. Owner Of Jean's Art Dolls: Jean

Challenges will be posted in this blog.

Post all challenges here: Thanks, Jean

We will be using this blog

Attention all Art Dolls: We will be using this blog. Please post your completed art for April Sponsor here. Thanks, Jean

Stamp Insanity Challenge Card: Retro

Thursday, April 14, 2011

May 14,2011

We had a winner for the sponsored sponsor last month. Congrations!

Stay tuned for more give aways. Smiles, Jean

Thursday, April 7, 2011



Love beads colors each have a meaning.

Love beads have been around since the 1960s and can be made from a variety of

plastic, glass, wooden or crystal beads. They usually are long, multicolor strands

worn on as a bracelet, necklace, anklet or belt. While the bead colors are thought

to be symbolic of certain emotions and attributes, the connection between the

colors and their meanings is not limited to love beads. Colors are thought to have

specific meanings throughout the art of beading and jewelry making.


The color purple is a powerful color symbolizing self-respect and inner power. It

also is associated with spirituality and eases mental and emotional stress,

according to the Beading Design Jewelry website. It signifies wisdom, dignity and

independence and and often is worn by creative people and those with an

adventurous heart and spirit.


Blue is the color of the sky and the sea and represents tranquility and peace. Blue

is by people with a tender heart who appreciate the creative aspects of music and

art, the Beading Design Jewelry website explains . Blue also is beneficial in

promoting inspiration and hope; darker hues represent strength and authority.


Green is the color of Mother Nature and the plants and trees. As such, it associated

with growth, fertility and birth. It also can represent stability and harmony. It's

connection to nature makes green a color associated with healing, love and

compassion. Since green is the color of money, it can represent financial



Pink is associated with love and as such is the ideal color for love beads. While

both pink and red represent love, pink is associated more closely with romance

while red more in tune with physical passion, according to the Beading Design

Jewelry website. Pink is worn by people with a tender heart who want to heal from

grief or depression. Pink also denotes innocence, youth and femininity.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I will add an example of pop art: Cindy designed an ATC and it was published..So here it is:

First project: I have drawn a flower for jeansartdollsdigitaldelights. It is the perfect

sketch to design the first POP ART FLOWER!

It will be posted in an hour. Stay tuned.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I N T R O D U C T I O N'S A N D T O S S I N G T H E S A L A D.


Ok, here we go....Pop Art....have you ever designed in this style? Well if you

haven't let your self go and try out this wonderful world of bright colors...shapes

and new ways to express yourself. I am a POP ART QUEEN

and want to share just

what I have found the happiest days of my life.....designing and dressing the :pop

art style.

First I would like to mention a favorite singer of mine: James Tayler...He is

Rock/Pop. Hey baby I'm your handy man! I'm handy with love and I'm no fool...If

your broken heart needs repair then I'm the get it!! LOL

Some music will rock you into the beat and soon you will be moving and add some

waves to your art and some bright sunshine!

I'm bust 24 hours a day...yea, I'm your handy man.

here is what I would like you to do: Grab some lined paper or blank and a ruler.

a pencil and a black sharpie/bic/ what ever you use. I don't want anyone to buy

anything they don't need. Pop are is a way of thinking....keep this in mind as you

read the details I am tossing out to you.

This style is about taking another adventure and if you are a newbie at this style

you will have lots of fun and then add the techniques to your own style. It's about

having a bunch of wild flowers all various types but "COLOR"S" mixed up to POP

at you...An exmple is M&M's and kiddles.....YUMMY.

Pop Art requires you to look at an ordinary things in an extraordinary way. The

statements are BOLD, Personal and Political . Take your ELEMENT'S of Art and

real images of life and fuse them together.

Anyone remember punky Brewster? One Hot Pink High Top Sneaker and a

checkered one on the other foot. She also did this with her socks.

Pulling out words: Hot Pink, Checkered Pattern. M&M'S, Kiddles. Words, Personal,


Political. Mixing matching.


BLUE ON THE 4th. of JULY. WEARING A BADGE that has a political figure on it. A T-shirt that says VOTE FOR......... You get it! LOL

In Canada what would be a POLITICAL STATEMENT?
Where are you from? Add your politial statement's in your Country?

Please add....I am very interested. Thanks, Jean